
This is the DART interface to the Thermosphere Ionosphere Electrodynamic General Circulation Model (TIEGCM), which is a community model developed at the NCAR High Altitude Observatory. TIEGCM is widely used by the space physics and aeronomy community and is one of the most well-validated models of the Earth’s upper atmosphere. DART/TIEGCM has been used to assimilate neutral mass density retrieved from satellite-borne accelerometers and electon density obtained from ground-based and space-based GNSS signals. Unlike other ionospheric data assimilation applications, this approach allows simultaneous assimilation of thermospheric and ionospheric parameters by taking advantage of the coupling of plasma and neutral constituents described in TIEGCM. DART/TIEGCM’s demonstrated capability to infer under-observed thermospheric parameters from abundant electron density observations has important implications for the future of upper atmosphere research.
DART is designed so that the TIEGCM source code can be used with no modifications, as DART runs TIEGCM as a completely separate executable. The TIEGCM source code and restart files are not included in DART, so you must obtain them from the NCAR High Altitude Observatory (download website). It is strongly recommended that you become familiar with running TIEGCM before you try to run DART/TIEGCM (See the TIEGCM User’s Guide). Some assumptions are made about the mannner in which TIEGCM is run: (1) There can only be 1 each of the TIEGCM primary (restart) and secondary NetCDF history files. The TIEGCM primary history files contain the prognostic variables necessary to restart the model, while the secondary history files contain diagnostic variables; (2) The last timestep in the restart file is the only timestep which is converted to a DART state vector, and only the last timestep in the TIEGCM primary file is ever modified by DART. The TIEGCM variables to be included in a DART state vector, and possibly updated by the assimilation, are specified in the DART namelist. (Some of the TIEGCM variables used to compute observation priors need not to be updated.) It is required to associate the TIEGCM variable name with a ‘generic’ DART counterpart (e.g., NE is QTY_ELECTRON_DENSITY). The composition of the DART state vector and which variables get updated in the TIEGCM primary file are under complete user control.
In the course of a filtering experiment, it is necessary to make a short forecast with TIEGCM. DART writes out an ancillary file with the information necessary to advance TIEGCM to the required time. The DART script advance_model.csh reads this information and modifies the TIEGCM namelist tiegcm.nml such that TIEGCM runs upto the requested time when DART assimilates the next set of observations. The run scripts run_filter.csh and run_perfect_model_obs.csh are configured to run under the LSF queueing system. The scripting examples exploit an ‘embarassingly-simple’ parallel paradigm in that each TIEGCM instance is a single-threaded executable and all ensemble members may run simultaneously. To use these run scripts, the TIECGM executable needs to be compiled with no MPI option. As such, there is an advantage to matching the ensemble size to the number of tasks. Requesting more tasks than the number of ensemble members may speed up the DART portion of an assimilation (i.e., filter) but will not make the model advance faster. The filter may be compiled with MPI and can exploit all available tasks.

Quickstart guide to running

It is important to understand basic DART nomenclature and mechanisms. Please take the time to read and run the DART tutorial.
Both run_filter.csh and run_perfect_model_obs.csh are heavily internally commented. Please read and understand the scripts. The overall process is to
  1. Specify resources (wall-clock time, number of nodes, tasks that sort of thing).

  2. Set shell variables to identify the location of the DART exectuables, the TIEGCM executables, initial ensemble, etc.

  3. Establish a temporary working directory for the experiment.

  4. Populate that directory with the initial ensemble and required namelists.

  5. Convert each TIEGCM ensemble member to a DART initial conditions file.

  6. Run either filter or run_perfect_model_obs.csh.

  7. perfect_model_obs will

  8. Check for any desired observations at the current time of the model state and create the synthetic observations for all observation times in the specified assimilation window. If the model needs to be advanced, it then

  9. creates a unique run-time directory for the model advance,

  10. copies the required information into that directory,

  11. conveys the desired forecast stopping time to TIEGCM via the tiegcm.nml and

  12. runs a single executable of TIEGCM.

  13. Steps 1-5 are repeated until the input DART observation sequence file has been exhausted.

  14. filter will

  15. Check for any desired observations at the current time of the model state and assimilates all the observations in the specified assimilation window. If the model needs to be advanced, it then

  16. creates a set of run-time directories, one for each task. A single task may be responsible for advancing more than one TIEGCM instance. If so, each instance is done serially, one after another. See the documentation for Filter async modes.

  17. Copy the required information into that directory.

  18. Update the TIEGCM restart file with the most current DART-modified state and convey the desired forecast stopping time to TIEGCM via the unique tiegcm.nml for this ensemble member.

  19. Runs a single executable of TIEGCM.

  20. Steps 1-5 are repeated until the input DART observation sequence file

What to check when things go wrong

The scripts are designed to send email to the user that contains the run-time output from the script. Check that first. If that does not provide the information needed, go to the run directory (i.e. CENTRALDIR) and check the dart_log.out. It usually provides the same information as the email, but sometimes it can help. If that does not help, go to any of the CENTRALDIR/advance_tempnnnn directories and read the log_advance.nnnn.txt file.


This namelist is read from the file input.nml. Namelists start with an ampersand ‘&’ and terminate with a slash ‘/’. Character strings that contain a ‘/’ must be enclosed in quotes to prevent them from prematurely terminating the namelist.

   output_state_vector         = .false.
   tiegcm_restart_file_name    = 'tiegcm_restart_p.nc'
   tiegcm_secondary_file_name  = 'tiegcm_s.nc'
   tiegcm_namelist_file_name   = 'tiegcm.nml'
   assimilation_period_seconds = 3600
   estimate_f10_7              = .false.
   debug                       = 1
   variables = 'NE',    'QTY_ELECTRON_DENSITY',          '1000.0',  'NA',      'restart',    'UPDATE'
               'OP',    'QTY_DENSITY_ION_OP',            'NA',      'NA',      'restart',    'UPDATE',
               'TI',    'QTY_TEMPERATURE_ION',           'NA',      'NA',      'restart',    'UPDATE',
               'TE',    'QTY_TEMPERATURE_ELECTRON',      'NA',      'NA',      'restart',    'UPDATE',
               'OP_NM', 'QTY_DENSITY_ION_OP',            'NA',      'NA',      'restart',    'UPDATE',
               'O1',    'QTY_ATOMIC_OXYGEN_MIXING_RATIO','0.00001', '0.99999', 'secondary',  'NO_COPY_BACK',
               'O2',    'QTY_MOLEC_OXYGEN_MIXING_RATIO', '0.00001', '0.99999', 'secondary',  'NO_COPY_BACK',
               'TN',    'QTY_TEMPERATURE',               '0.0',     '6000.0',  'secondary',  'NO_COPY_BACK',
               'ZG',    'QTY_GEOMETRIC_HEIGHT',          'NA',      'NA',      'secondary',  'NO_COPY_BACK',
               'VTEC',  'QTY_VERTICAL_TEC',              'NA',      'NA',      'calculate',  'NO_COPY_BACK'






If .true. write state vector as a 1D array to the DART diagnostic output files. If .false. break state vector up into variables before writing to the output files.



The TIEGCM restart file name.



The TIEGCM secondary file name.



The TIEGCM namelist file name.



This specifies the width of the assimilation window. The current model time is used as the center time of the assimilation window. All observations in the assimilation window are assimilated. BEWARE: if you put observations that occur before the beginning of the assimilation_period, DART will error out because it cannot move the model ‘back in time’ to process these observations. assimilation_period_seconds must be an integer number of TIEGCM dynamical timesteps (as specified by tiegcm.nml:STEP) AND be able to be expressed by tiegcm.nml:STOP. Since STOP has three components: day-of-year, hour, and minute, the assimilation_period_seconds must be an integer number of minutes.



Switch to specify that the f10.7 index should be estimated by augmenting the DART state vector with a scalar. The location of the f10.7 index is taken to be longitude of local noon and latitude zero. WARNING: this is provided with no guarantees. Please read the comments in model_mod.f90 and act accordingly.



Set to 0 (zero) for minimal output. Successively larger values generate successively more output.



Strings that identify the TIEGCM variables, their DART kind, the min & max values, what file to read from, and whether or not the file should be updated after the assimilation. The DART kind must be one found in the DART/assimilation_code/mo dules/observations/obs_kind_mod.f90 AFTER it gets built by preprocess. Most of the upper atmosphere observation kinds are specified by DART/observations/forward_o perators/obs_def_upper_atm_mod.f90, so it should be specified in the preprocess_nml:input_files variable. Since TIEGCM has an entire class of variables (all the variables that end in _NM) that are simply 1 dynamical timestep behind the variables at the output time, it is imperative that these variables be specified to occur AFTER their counterparts in the DART namelist. This will ensure that the most current variables are used in the calculation of the forward observation operators.

va riables(:,1)

Specifies the TIEGCM variable name in the netCDF file.

va riables(:,2)

Specifies the DART kind for that variable.

va riables(:,3)

Specifies a minimum bound (if any) for that variable.

va riables(:,4)

Specifies a maximum bound (if any) for that variable.

va riables(:,5)

Specifies what file the variable should come from. The only valid possibilies are “restart”, “secondary”, or “calculate”. “restart” will read from whatever file is specified by ` tiegcm_restar t_file_name`. “secondary” will read from whatever file is specified by t iegcm_secondar y_file_name. “calculate” will call a vari able-dependent function – see m odel_mod.f90 :tiegcm_to_d art_vector() for the c reate_vtec() example.

va riables(:,6)

Specifies if the variable should be updated in the TIEGCM restart file. The value may be “UPDATE” or anything else. If and only if the variable comes from the restart file and va riables(:,6) == “UPDATE” will the variable be modified in the TIEGCM restart file. No variables in the secondary file are EVER modified.

Other modules used


Public interfaces - required

use model_mod, only :

















Public interfaces - optional

use model_mod, only :





A namelist interface &model_nml is defined by the module, and is read from file input.nml.

A note about documentation style. Optional arguments are enclosed in brackets [like this].

model_size = get_model_size( )

integer :: get_model_size

Returns the length of the model state vector. Required.


The length of the model state vector.

call adv_1step(x, time)

real(r8), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: x
type(time_type),        intent(in)    :: time

Since TIEGCM is not called as a subroutine, this is a NULL interface. TIEGCM is advanced as a separate executable - i.e. async == 2. adv_1step only gets called if async == 0. The subroutine must still exist, but contains no code and will not be called. An error message is issued if an unsupported value of filter,perfect_model_obs:async is used.

call get_state_meta_data (index_in, location, [, var_kind] )

integer,             intent(in)  :: index_in
type(location_type), intent(out) :: location
integer, optional,   intent(out) ::  var_kind

Given an integer index into the state vector structure, returns the associated location. A second intent(out) optional argument returns the generic kind of this item, e.g. QTY_MOLEC_OXYGEN_MIXING_RATIO, QTY_ELECTRON_DENSITY, … This interface is required to be functional for all applications.


Index of state vector element about which information is requested.


The location of state variable element.


The generic kind of the state variable element.

call model_interpolate(x, location, ikind, obs_val, istatus)

real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: x
type(location_type),    intent(in)  :: location
integer,                intent(in)  :: ikind
real(r8),               intent(out) :: obs_val
integer,                intent(out) :: istatus

Given a state vector, a location, and a model state variable kind interpolates the state variable field to that location and returns the value in obs_val. The istatus variable should be returned as 0 unless there is some problem in computing the interpolation in which case a positive value should be returned. The ikind variable is one of the KIND parameters defined in the MODULE obs_kind_mod file and defines which generic kind of item is being interpolated.


A model state vector.


Location to which to interpolate.


Kind of state field to be interpolated.


The interpolated value from the model.


Integer value returning 0 for success. Other values can be defined for various failures.

var = get_model_time_step()

type(time_type) :: get_model_time_step

Returns the smallest useful forecast length (time step) of the model. This is set by input.nml:assimilation_period_seconds and must be an integer number of TIEGCM dynamical timesteps (as specified by tiegcm.nml:STEP) AND be able to be expressed by tiegcm.nml:STOP. Since STOP has three components: day-of-year, hour, and minute, the assimilation_period_seconds must be an integer number of minutes.


Smallest forecast step of model.

call static_init_model()

Called to do one-time initialization of the model. There are no input arguments. static_init_model reads the DART and TIEGCM namelists and reads the grid geometry and constructs the shape of the DART vector given the TIEGCM variables specified in the DART namelist.

call end_model()

Does all required shutdown and clean-up needed.

call init_time(time)

type(time_type), intent(out) :: time

This is a NULL INTERFACE for TIEGCM. If input.nml:start_from_restart == .FALSE., this routine is called and will generate a fatal error.

call init_conditions(x)

real(r8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: x

This is a NULL INTERFACE for TIEGCM. If input.nml:start_from_restart == .FALSE., this routine is called and will generate a fatal error.

ierr = nc_write_model_atts(ncFileID)

integer             :: nc_write_model_atts
integer, intent(in) :: ncFileID

This routine writes the model-specific attributes to a netCDF file. This includes the coordinate variables and any metadata, but NOT the model state vector. We do have to allocate SPACE for the model state vector, but that variable gets filled as the model advances. If input.nml:model_nml:output_state_vector == .TRUE., the DART state vector is written as one long vector. If input.nml:model_nml:output_state_vector == .FALSE., the DART state vector is reshaped into the original TIEGCM variables and those variables are written.


Integer file descriptor to previously-opened netCDF file.


Returns a 0 for successful completion.

ierr = nc_write_model_vars(ncFileID, statevec, copyindex, timeindex)

integer                            :: nc_write_model_vars
integer,                intent(in) :: ncFileID
real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: statevec
integer,                intent(in) :: copyindex
integer,                intent(in) :: timeindex

This routine writes the DART state vector to a netCDF file. If input.nml:model_nml:output_state_vector == .TRUE., the DART state vector is written as one long vector. If input.nml:model_nml:output_state_vector == .FALSE., the DART state vector is reshaped into the original TIEGCM variables and those variables are written.


file descriptor to previously-opened netCDF file.


A model state vector.


Integer index of copy to be written.


The timestep counter for the given state.


Returns 0 for normal completion.

call pert_model_state(state, pert_state, interf_provided)

real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: state
real(r8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: pert_state
logical,                intent(out) :: interf_provided
pert_model_state is intended to take a single model state vector and perturbs it in some way to generate initial conditions for spinning up ensembles. TIEGCM does this is a manner that is different than most other models. The F10_7 parameter must be included in the DART state vector as a QTY_1D_PARAMETER and gaussian noise is added to it. That value must be conveyed to the tiegcm namelist and used to advance the model.
Most other models simply add noise with certain characteristics to the model state.


State vector to be perturbed.


Perturbed state vector.


This is returned as .TRUE. since the routine exists. A value of .FALSE. would indicate that the default DART routine should just add noise to every element of state.

call get_close_maxdist_init(gc, maxdist)

type(get_close_type), intent(inout) :: gc
real(r8),             intent(in)    :: maxdist

This is a PASS-THROUGH routine, the actual routine is the default one in location_mod. In distance computations any two locations closer than the given maxdist will be considered close by the get_close_obs() routine. get_close_maxdist_init is listed on the use line for the locations_mod, and in the public list for this module, but has no subroutine declaration and no other code in this module.

call get_close_obs_init(gc, num, obs)

type(get_close_type), intent(inout) :: gc
integer,              intent(in)    :: num
type(location_type),  intent(in)    :: obs(num)

This is a PASS-THROUGH routine. The default routine in the location module precomputes information to accelerate the distance computations done by get_close_obs(). Like the other PASS-THROUGH ROUTINES it is listed on the use line for the locations_mod, and in the public list for this module, but has no subroutine declaration and no other code in this module:

call get_close_obs(gc, base_obs_loc, base_obs_kind, obs_loc, obs_kind, num_close, close_ind [, dist])

type(get_close_type), intent(in)  :: gc
type(location_type),  intent(in)  :: base_obs_loc
integer,              intent(in)  :: base_obs_kind
type(location_type),  intent(in)  :: obs_loc(:)
integer,              intent(in)  :: obs_kind(:)
integer,              intent(out) :: num_close
integer,              intent(out) :: close_ind(:)
real(r8), optional,   intent(out) :: dist(:)
Given a location and kind, compute the distances to all other locations in the obs_loc list. The return values are the number of items which are within maxdist of the base, the index numbers in the original obs_loc list, and optionally the distances. The gc contains precomputed information to speed the computations.
This is different than the default location_mod:get_close_obs() in that it is possible to modify the ‘distance’ based on the DART ‘kind’. This allows one to apply specialized localizations.


The get_close_type which stores precomputed information about the locations to speed up searching


Reference location. The distances will be computed between this location and every other location in the obs list


The kind of base_obs_loc


Compute the distance between the base_obs_loc and each of the locations in this list


The corresponding kind of each item in the obs list


The number of items from the obs_loc list which are within maxdist of the base location


The list of index numbers from the obs_loc list which are within maxdist of the base location


If present, return the distance between each entry in the close_ind list and the base location. If not present, all items in the obs_loc list which are closer than maxdist will be added to the list but the overhead of computing the exact distances will be skipped.

call ens_mean_for_model(ens_mean)

real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: ens_mean

A model-size vector with the means of the ensembles for each of the state vector items. The model should save a local copy of this data if it needs to use it later to compute distances or other values. This routine is called after each model advance and contains the updated means.


State vector containing the ensemble mean.

TIEGCM public routines

call tiegcm_to_dart_vector(statevec, model_time)

real(r8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: statevec
type(time_type),        intent(out) :: model_time

Read TIEGCM fields from the TIEGCM restart file and/or TIEGCM secondary file and pack them into a DART vector.


variable that contains the DART state vector


variable that contains the LAST TIME in the TIEGCM restart file.

call dart_vector_to_tiegcm(statevec, dart_time)

real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: statevec
type(time_type),        intent(in) :: dart_time
Unpacks a DART vector and updates the TIEGCM restart file variables. Only those variables designated as ‘UPDATE’ are put into the TIEGCM restart file. All variables are written to the DART diagnostic files prior to the application of any “clamping”. The variables are “clamped” before being written to the TIEGCM restart file. The clamping limits are specified in columns 3 and 4 of &model_nml:variables.
The time of the DART state is compared to the time in the restart file to ensure that we are not improperly updating a restart file.


Variable containing the DART state vector.


Variable containing the time of the DART state vector.

var = get_f107_value(x)

real(r8)                           :: get_f107_value
real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x

If the F10_7 value is part of the DART state, return that value. If it is not part of the DART state, just return the F10_7 value from the TIEGCM namelist.


Variable containing the DART state vector.


The f10_7 value.

call test_interpolate(x, locarray)

real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x
real(r8), dimension(3), intent(in) :: locarray

This function is only used by program model_mod_check and can be modified to suit your needs. test_interpolate() exercises model_interpolate(), get_state_meta_data(), static_init_model() and a host of supporting routines.


variable containing the DART state vector.


variable containing the location of interest. locarray(1) is the longitude (in degrees East) locarray(2) is the latitude (in degrees North) locarray(3) is the height (in meters).





TIEGCM control file modified to control starting and stopping.


to read the model_mod namelist


both read and modified by the TIEGCM model_mod


read by the GCOM model_mod for metadata purposes.


DART file containing information useful for starting and stopping TIEGCM. advance_model.csh uses this to update the TIEGCM file tiegcm.nml


the run-time diagnostic output


the record of all the namelists (and their values) actually USED


the run-time output of everything that happens in advance_model.csh. This file will be in the advance_tempnnnn directory.


  • Matsuo, T., and E. A. Araujo-Pradere (2011), Role of thermosphere-ionosphere coupling in a global ionosphere specification, Radio Science, 46, RS0D23, doi:10.1029/2010RS004576

  • Lee, I. T., T, Matsuo, A. D. Richmond, J. Y. Liu, W. Wang, C. H. Lin, J. L. Anderson, and M. Q. Chen (2012), Assimilation of FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC electron density profiles into thermosphere/Ionosphere coupling model by using ensemble Kalman filter, Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, A10318, doi:10.1029/2012JA017700

  • Matsuo, T., I. T. Lee, and J. L. Anderson (2013), Thermospheric mass density specification using an ensemble Kalman filter, Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, 1339-1350, doi:10.1002/jgra.50162

  • Lee, I. T., H. F. Tsai, J. Y. Liu, Matsuo, T., and L. C. Chang (2013), Modeling impact of FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 mission on ionospheric space weather monitoring, Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, 6518-6523, doi:10.1002/jgra.50538

  • Matsuo, T. (2014), Upper atmosphere data assimilation with an ensemble Kalman filter, in Modeling the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System, Geophys. Monogr. Ser., vol. 201, edited by J. Huba, R. Schunk, and G. Khazanov, pp. 273-282, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester, UK, doi:10.1002/9781118704417

  • Hsu, C.-H., T. Matsuo, W. Wang, and J. Y. Liu (2014), Effects of inferring unobserved thermospheric and ionospheric state variables by using an ensemble Kalman filter on global ionospheric specification and forecasting, Journal of Geophysical Research, 119, 9256-9267, doi:10.1002/2014JA020390

  • Chartier, A., T. Matsuo, J. L. Anderson, G. Lu, T. Hoar, N. Collins, A. Coster, C. Mitchell, L. Paxton, G. Bust (2015), Ionospheric Data Assimilation and Forecasting During Storms, Journal of Geophysical Research, under review