MODULE obs_model_mod


The code in this module computes the assimilation windows, and decides if the model needs to run in order for the data to be at the appropriate time to assimilate the next available observations. It also has the code to write out the current states, advance the model (in a variety of ways) and then read back in the updated states.

Other modules used


Public interfaces

use obs_model_mod, only :



call move_ahead(ens_handle, ens_size, seq, last_key_used, window_time, key_bounds, num_obs_in_set, curr_ens_time, next_ens_time, trace_messages)

type(ensemble_type),     intent(in)  :: ens_handle
integer,                 intent(in)  :: ens_size
type(obs_sequence_type), intent(in)  :: seq
integer,                 intent(in)  :: last_key_used
type(time_type),         intent(in)  :: window_time
integer, dimension(2),   intent(out) :: key_bounds
integer,                 intent(out) :: num_obs_in_set
type(time_type),         intent(out) :: curr_ens_time
type(time_type),         intent(out) :: next_ens_time
logical, optional,       intent(in)  :: trace_messages
Given an observation sequence and an ensemble, determines how to advance the model so that the next set of observations can be assimilated. Also returns the first and last keys and the number of observations to be assimilated at this time. The algorithm implemented here (one might want to have other variants) first finds the time of the next observation that has not been assimilated at a previous time. It also determines the time of the ensemble state vectors. It then uses information about the model’s time stepping capabilities to determine the time to which the model can be advanced that is CLOSEST to the time of the next observation. For now, this algorithm assumes that the model’s timestep is a constant. A window of width equal to the model timestep is centered around the closest model time to the next observation and all observations in this window are added to the set to be assimilated.
Previous versions of this routine also made the call which actually advanced the model before returning. This is no longer true. The routine only determines the time stepping and number of observations. The calling code must then call advance_state() if indeed the next observation to be assimilated is not within the current window. This is determined by comparing the current ensemble time with the next ensemble time. If equal no advance is needed. Otherwise, next ensemble time is the target time for advance_state().


Identifies the model state ensemble


Number of ensemble members


An observation sequence


Identifies the last observation from the sequence that has been used


Reserved for future use.


Returned lower and upper bound on observations to be used at this time


Number of observations to be used at this time


The time of the ensemble data passed into this routine.


The time the ensemble data should be advanced to. If equal to curr_ens_time, the model does not need to advance to assimilate the next observation.


Optional argument. By default, detailed time trace messages are disabled but can be turned on by passing this in as .True. . The messages will print the current window times, data time, next observation time, next window time, next data time, etc.

call advance_state(ens_handle, ens_size, target_time, async, adv_ens_command, tasks_per_model_advance)

type(ensemble_type), intent(inout) :: ens_handle
integer, intent(in)                :: ens_size
type(time_type), intent(in)        :: target_time
integer, intent(in)                :: async
character(len=*), intent(in)       :: adv_ens_command
integer, intent(in)                :: tasks_per_model_advance

Advances all ensemble size copies of an ensemble stored in ens_handle to the target_time. If async=0 this is done by repeated calls to the adv_1step() subroutine. If async=2, a call to the shell with the command adv_ens_command is used. If async=4, the filter program synchronizes with the MPI job shell script using the block_task() and restart_task() routines to suspend execution until all model advances have completed. The script can start the model advances using MPI and have it execute in parallel in this mode.


Structure for holding ensemble information and data


Ensemble size.


Time to which model is to be advanced.


How to advance model:

0 = subroutine adv_1step

2 = shell executes adv_ens_command

4 = MPI job script advances models and syncs with filter task


Command to be issued to shell to advance model if async=2.


Reserved for future use.


This module does not have a namelist.





a binary representation of the state vector prepended by a small header consisting of the ‘advance-to’ time and the ‘valid-time’ of the state vector. The #### represents the ensemble member number if &ensemble_manager_nml: single_restart_file_out = .true..


a binary representation of the state vector prepended by a small header consisting of the ‘valid-time’ of the state vector. This is the ‘updated’ model state (after the model has advanced the state to the desired ‘advance-to’ time).


a text file containing information needed to advance the ensemble members; i.e., the ensemble member number, the input state vector file, the output state vector file - that sort of thing.


  • none

Private components